Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lest You Worry: Elsie Day 63 Lollygagging Pics

Just a few photos so you can see Elsie is doing just fine in her Day 63 Limbo:

Pottying every ten minutes round the clock (okay, so slightly exaggerated for effect).

Elsie snoozing and snoring and dreaming (but not working on puppy bearing!).

Elsie watching the world go by.

Elsie getting ready to paw Momma Joan.

Elsie hiding  under the kitchen table at my feet while I work at the computer. She just got done nesting in both the puppy-holding/warming box and on the floor where she's sitting.  This is a pause in her digging efforts.  What, me? Dig?

So we're in watch-and-wait mode (as are all of you with us), still hoping things progress as they should.

And as soon as I have a puppy picture to post, I'll post it (as long as I'm not helping her with the next one right after the first!). :)

We're hanging in there.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. In the pictures she looks like she's smiling or laughing at all of us who are anxiously waiting for puppies. She's going to deliver those pups when she's good and ready.
