Thursday, May 19, 2011

View of Six and Seven Weeks Old -- Real Puppies Now!

So grown up!  (l to r: Master Yellow, Miss Pink, Master Green, and Master Blue)

The little cutey!  Masters Yellow and Green still need to find forever homes (the rest are reserved and have fabulous situations awaiting them!).

Master Green (front), Master Blue (rear).  We discovered that Master Blue has a small umbilical hernia that should self-correct in time, but also that it can be easily repaired when he's neutered at six months old if it doesn't resolve itself. We're delighted to report Master Blue has found his forever family (an ideal placement for him, we think). We've also made Master Green available for sale now, too (after holding him back and watching him a bit longer since he seemed a little slower to develop than the rest).  Both boys are just fine (and wonderfully sweet and low-key). Our vet isn't concerned about either one, nor are we. They've been medically cleared for adoption, and we're confident the right forever home is out there for Master Green.

Well,..heehee..., the idea in these two weeks is that Momma Elsie will teach her little ones some canine manners.  Me thinketh she perhaps-eth need-eth to be a bit more firm!

She is, however, good about not letting the pups nurse any longer (they're weaned). Here she is pushing Master Blue away. :)

Such good puppies (learning to sit to wait for us). :)

Some puppies (who shall remain nameless) can hog the food bowl (time to start individual bowl feedings!).

Some puppies (who shall also remain nameless) like hogging the kibble that gets knocked out of the feeding pan, too.

Oh, but said nameless pups can't hog it all!

We feed food hogs to the big dogs.  :0 )   KIDDING!  We introduce all the pups to the older dogs and eventually allow them to play together (one big dog at a time) to learn better canine interaction skills.
Oh boy!  A new furry wiggly toy!  Heehee...


Ooo... someone opened the door! 

Forget canine manners! Let's get Mom!! :)
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  1. They're so grown up! I love the picture of their playing with Momma!

  2. I want to come play at your house!

  3. I wonder which one Mango would want for Pea?

    Great puppies!

  4. Michael8:56 PM

    It's getting close one more week!!
    I want them all.
