Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'd Rather Play

Baxter: "Come on, Mom, Can't we go out and play? See, see...I even got this bright yellow-green thingy we can find in the snow. Come on, Mom, please? Pretty please?"

Me: "No, Bud, sorry. I still have this book manuscript to get out. No playtime for me. At least not yet."

Baxter: "But, Elsie wants to play, too. Can't you toss the ring with us for just a little while."

Me (reluctantly): "I really can't, Boos. I need to work."

A few hours later...

Baxter: "Huh? What? You mean you still haven't finished that book yet?"

Me: "Nope" (big sigh, pat Boos on the head). "This one's painfully slow. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it."

Baxter: "Well (yawn, stretch), wake me up where you're done. In the meantime, I think I'll nap here a while."

Me (mumbling): "I wish I could join you, Bud. You don't know how much I wish I could."

Now it's back to work for me (and snoozing for the kids). Oh, to have the life of a dog!

'Til next time (big sigh),
Joan Posted by Picasa


  1. Oh...if only you could.

    So sorry you haven't had snow. That would be the one thing I think I'd miss on the other side of the pond where you're living just now (the dramatic change of seasons we experience here in the Northeast).

    You can enjoy our snow vicariously if you like (I suppose that's about as effective as if you played with my canine kids vicariously so I could finish this manuscript!). LOL

    Oh well. I'm going to finish this manuscript if it kills me (well, not quite).

    Here's a deal: you work on at least one article and a little on your thesis today, and I'll finish up my last chapter. What do you think?!


  2. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Awww, Baxter is soo cute in that pose. I wish I were back home some days.

  3. Hey Buddo,

    I'm sure you do. And the other "kids" (the four-legged ones) wish you were here, too. Especially the Boos.

    It's not long now 'til spring break. :o)

    Love you whole bunches,
