Tuesday, February 28, 2006


As far as the canine kids are concerned, Sarah (our sweet, 19-year-old, girl child) is just another littermate.

Sarah dropped by for the day yesterday from college (yay!). She had job-related tests to take only forty-five minutes from our house, so after her tests she scooted home for the afternoon and evening, then drove back to school late last night.

She said she needed a break from campus life. But I know the real reason she came home:

She need her Lab fix; in particular, she needed a Baxter fix (see top photo).

The canine kids love her to death. She's just one of the gang. And she loves them--all three of them.

But she and Baxter are buds. Special buds. Maybe it's because she still lived at home when Baxter came to us as a 6.5-week-old. He's the only one of the dogs she "grew up" with (Ridge came to us as an adult; Elsie came to us as a 7-week-old, but Sarah lived away at school by then). And she and Baxter were inseparable then.

Then again, maybe it's because Baxter is Baxter. He seems to have a similar bond with Daniel (our 22-year-old son). But then again, too, Dan was here for Baxter's puppyhood.

In any case, the canine kids love the human kids and the human kids love the canine kids. And the fact that they do warms this mother's heart. :o)

It just makes me smile to see them romp and play and giggle and snuggle together. I love what our Labs bring out in our kids and what the kids bring out in our Labs: they seem to bring the best out of each other.

And both bring the best out of me.

Oh, that the world were filled with giggling children (of all ages) and wiggling Labs! What a wonderful world it would be.

'Til next time,
Joan Posted by Picasa

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