Saturday, March 11, 2006

Back from the Flu

Sorry it's been a while. I've been down and out with some sort of virus (low-grade fever, chills, sweats, aches and pains, whopping headache, dizziness, weakness, exhaustion, etc.). It hasn't been fun; and it's going on six days now, although today I'm starting to feel human again. Not 100%, but definitely better.

Poor kids: they're feeling neglected. I've been sleeping most of the last five days away (and sleeping soundly all night--if that says anything).

Elsie's depressed. She hangs out on the doggie bed by the fire and yawns a lot. Poor girl wants to be touched and held and played with. I just can't do it when I'm sick (the last thing I want when I feel lousy is face washes by dog tongues and 80 lbs of Lab on my lap ).

Ridge is depressed, too, but he hangs out on the couch cushions. He's gentle with me and seems to know I don't feel well.

Nothing seems to get Baxter down. He's as relaxed and low-key as ever (Mr Sprawl seen here on the recliner). And he's as sweet with me as ever.

At least the kids got their usual romp in the woods today with Dad. So everybody's content for the time being.

Hopefully I'll be back to form in the next day or two (this being sick thing is getting old). Then the kids and I can romp (it's good for them and good for me). :o)

'Til next time,

1 comment:

  1. What cute babies! Baxter reminds me of my Dakota. She's very laid back and happy!
