Saturday, October 14, 2006

Kenya's Likes and Dislikes

Note from Joan: Here's a post from Kenya! She decided she wanted to tell you about herself and about her new life in the Esherick pack. Remember, she's just a pup, so her descriptions will be short and sweet! Enjoy!

I'm Kenya. This is me on the day when Mom and Dad brought me from Virginia to my new home with them in Pennsylvania. It's kinda fun here, but I'm not so sure. I miss my real mom and littermates.

This is me now. I'm ten weeks old. I'm growing fast! legs are getting longer. I can jump up the back steps now without any help from Mom.

I thought I'd tell you about what I like and don't like at my new home. Here goes!

  • I REALLY like people, espcially Dad's lap

  • And I REALLY like my new littermates
  • And snuggling with Baxter
  • And hanging out with Ridge and Elsie
  • And romping in the back yard like the big kids
  • And chewing on tennis balls.

I like a whole bunch of other things, but Blogger is giving Mom fits again about posting photos. So I'll tell you about them later.

Bye for now,


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