Monday, February 26, 2007

The Morning Rush

When folks in southeastern PA (or anywhere in the mid-Atlantic corridor) talk about "the morning rush" they're usually referring to traffic. From DC to Boston "morning rush" means highway congestion and long drives for commuters scurrying to get to work on time.

I will say, despite its challenges, working from an office at home has its benefits.

Avoiding the "morning rush," however, isn't one of them.

No, my morning rush may not include four-wheeled vehicles competing for positional superiority on the Turnpike, but it does include four-legged canines vying for positional advantage by my side.

It's the "oh-boy-it's-morning-and-we're-so-happy-to-see-you-since-it's-been-so-long-since-we-saw-you-last-night-and-we're-just-so-happy-to-see-you-again-and-we-just-want-you-to-know-just-how-happy-we-really-are-to-see-you-so-please-pet-us-and-talk-to-us-and-scratch-our-ears-and-let-us-lean-on-you-and-lick-you-and-sit-on-your-feet-and-paw-you" morning rush.

And Baxter, Elsie, Ridge, and Kenya rush me together, wanting 100% of my attention the minute I step into the kitchen for the first time each morning. :o)

Hmmm...that's about 320 pounds of combined-Lab-wiggle jockeying for who can get closest.

Now that's what I call a morning rush (in every sense of the word).

And it's a great way to begin the day.

'Til next time,


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hey Joan...boy oh boy have the kids grown...Kenya...was just a new puppy last time I visited...give em all a big hug for me...

    I'm back in SW the studies, graduate in what do I do...he he he...

    We are still getting tell save some room for me...that is the best place in the world...

    Missing Scotland terribly but June will come around quicker than I expect...

    Till next time, huggles to all
    Lost in Scotland/Bets...
