Monday, January 14, 2008

Back Again :o)

Thanks for your e-mails; it warms my heart to know some of you really do care about us and our gang.

And, truth be told, things here have not been okay -- they've been downright bad (really tough situations), but I'm realizing that it does me no good to "hide" when life gets difficult.

And, besides, the canine gang won't let me hide for very long (such is life with Labs).

So I'm out of hiding and writing again (something I had NO heart to do in light of the last several very difficult weeks).

So what have we been up to?

Taking LOTS of naps - I'm in my winter-hybernate-like-a-bear mode, and sleeping is something I do when I 'm depressed (Pinot's favorite sleeping position):

Making new friends --there really is a sisterhood in suffering (Pinot meets Snickers):

Getting used to someone else calling the shots -- something none of us enjoys, particularly when we don't like the decisions being made (notice Kenya and Baxter are heeling; Pinot is straining against the lead):

Romping in the woods -- a good nature fix always lowers my blood pressure (Kenya off-lead):

Getting exercise (important when life is stressful) - a January resolution thing (Baxter galloping to me off-lead, Don is in the far back on the dirt road working with Kenya on-lead):

Staying focused on and alert for good things and wise counsel -- always a must when life gets difficult (Kenya awaiting Don's commands):

Getting wet -- "being there" for hurting loved ones means we get muddy, too (Kenya and Baxter wading):

And trying to notice and remember the good gifts and graces that fill each day, even when life is hard (these are the flowers DH sent me for our 26th wedding anniversary last week):

I consider our canine gang one of those HUGE good gifts in our lives. They do keeping me smiling.

And I consider you all a gift, too. :o)

So that's what we've been up to (I'm sparing you the details). And I'll be posting regularly again (it's therapeutic -- something I forgot in the heartache of recent weeks).

So don't give up on us. We're still here, alive and romping! :o)

And Elsie is in HEAT again, so Ridge is going bonkers. But we're carefully protecting her during this heat cycle; we don't want her pregnant again so soon. And poor Pinot just doesn't know what to make of it all.

I do hope all is well with you all. When I can write more specifically about our circumstances, I will, but I can't just yet. Just send your good thoughts or prayers our way, if you will. God knows the needs.

Thanks much for your concern and well-wishes. I'm looking forward to being back in touch.

'Til next time,


  1. We wish you the best for 2008. Glad you're back!
    - Charlie

  2. *Hugs* So sorry to hear you've been having such a rough time lately, but I'm glad to see that the canine kids are helping you through it.

    Love the first photo of Pinot - that was Stella's favorite sleeping position when she was a puppy too. I still spy her sleeping that way every once in a while, and it always makes me smile.

    Glad you're back to blogging again. I always look forward to your posts.

  3. I echo the above sentiments. For a heart-warming turn, go check out the last two comments on the last entry at my Rockwell blog. :) I did get an email from her and sent her some puppy pix but haven't heard back again.

  4. Thanks, Charlie! It's good to be back. :o)

    Laura, thanks for the *hugs* -- it has been rough. But you're right when you say the canine kids are helping me through. I suspect your Stella and Willow do the same for you sometimes. At the very least, the make us smile. I hope all is well over at Dog's Eye View. :o)

    Julia, I'm SO glad you heard from Rockwell's new owners. How relieved and happy you must be to know he's valued and loved in his new home. I do hope you hear more!

    As always, all, it's great to hear from you.


  5. It's good to see you back. I'm sorry to hear things have been tough for you, but hang in there. Life always seems so much sweeter after the rough spots. Many thoughts and prayers are going out for you and your gang!
