Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pup Videos from Days 9, 10, & 11

Day 9: Miss Sky Tries Out Her Voice

Day 9: Miss Sky Settles in for a Nap (and takes a LONG time to do so)

Day 10: Mr. Lime Gets Comfy

Day 11 (this morning): Feeding Frenzy

Day 11 (this morning: Feeding Frenzy, Part 2 (Mr. Green Tries Again)


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Really great to see them all doing so well! They're all beautiful. If only you could bottle that puppy breath... :)

  2. How hard it must be not to reach in there and help them when one is struggling as hard as Mr. Green seemed to be.

    Those clips were too cute for words!!
