Thursday, October 30, 2008

From Pile to Pack (Video): Poor Pull-My-Leg Horse Meets the Litter

I took this video earlier this week (I think it was early Tuesday morning, two days ago). It was when we first introduced the Pull-My-Leg horse to the puppy pen. You will recall that the horse replaced the Pull-My-Leg sheep that De-Stuffer King Ridge shredded on Monday after retrieving the sheep from the washing machine (I left the washer's lid open and hadn't started it yet, and Ridge's incredible nose -- and he does have an incredible nose -- found it in a heartbeat).

So here's the pack on the horse (yes, the horse really is under there). The whining you hear in the background is first, Mr. Black (I think) doing the typical pre-pooing whimper (they all do this before they poo). Then later, it's either Mr. Black or Mr. Yellow at my feet wanting me to pick him up. The rest are oblivious to me and focused on the horse (until Daddy Don bangs some pans in his clean up behind me):

Here are a few still shots of said horse:

And here he is this morning, having gone from feasted-upon-item to part of the puppy pile:

And he seems to have survived the thrashing quite well. Go figure. :O)

'Til next time,

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