Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday, Part 1: Playing Puppy Pictures


  1. If I was there I would not be able to watch anything else! Lovable, adorable, huggable etc.- but let us not forget about those little razor sharp teeth they are learning to use! Is it a lab trait why they like to lay upside down-my boy Ches still does sometimes at 2 years old-or do all puppies do that? It always makes me laugh! Chester's mom

  2. Soooooo cute! I just want to rub those little bellies!!

  3. I swear they get cuter by the day. I agree with Meesh, if I were there, I would get absolutely nothing else done becuase I would just want to snuggle and cuddle and play with and squeeze those little babies and their cute little bellies all day long.

  4. Anonymous11:24 AM

    God, look how big they've gotten....

    Give them all a huggle for me

    Hugs to you Joan
