Friday, November 21, 2008

Joy of Joys! Mr. Lime is Barking! :o)

Last night, when I went to bed, I honestly thought Mr. Lime was on his way out again. :o(

But, joy-oh-joys, this morning he's starting to act like a puppy again (finally!).
  • He actually ate breakfast -- ravenously (a first since he came home)!
  • He took a couple big drinks all by himself (another first since coming home)!
  • He passed a full-sized, normal looking tootsie roll poo (yay!) overnight (another first -- he was just passing solid teeny, skinny little droplets yesterday, and that was only twice).
  • He did a full-fledged piddle (as in, he created a whole puddle all by himself)!
  • His tail is UP and wagging (maybe a tad bit slower than the rest, but it's clearly wagging).
  • He's bright-eyed and interested in what's happening in the kitchen (instead of curled up in a ball not even lifting his head like he was yesterday).
Ohboyohboyohboyohboy. Mr. Lime may have finally turned the corner to regular puppyhood!

Here he is, up and about this morning (this is the first we've seen anything even close to this kind of behavior from him since he came home from the veterinary hospital):

Maybe Mr. Lime just needed another day to get his system working again. Maybe he just needed more sleep. Maybe he's just a slow mover (intestinally speaking). I don't know what he needed, but whatever it was, it appears he may just be fine after all.

What a roller coaster.

I think today is going to be a better day after all.


'Til next time,


  1. I'm so glad that Mr. Lime is doing better today! They are all such SWEET babies. If I had the extra funds, I would take one of them in a heartbeat. All of my are little babies, and I need a big guy to run with me.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I prayed and prayed and prayed again for Mr. Lime last night! Maybe along with another day to recoup he just needed a loving, healing touch from the Father's hand. Yay!!!!!

  3. Yeah, Mr. Lime! I am so glad he has pulled it together and is being a rough and tumble pup again! You have some fine looking dog wanna-be's and I sincerely wish I was in the position to take one. I'm sure the right owner will come along. I am glad that the families who backed out did before getting their pup because it is best to find out before and let them go to a place that can give them the best possible forever home. Praise God for He has answered many prayers!
    Chester's Mom
