Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Finally: We've Returned

It's been a while, I know. I hurt my neck several weeks ago ("pinched nerve" in lay terms at C7 in my cervical spine), and that left me with two very weak, numb, tingly arms, and two hands that didn't like keyboarding.

The ortho doc ordered rest, so I've been on forced hiatus. :D

But I'm back, and the gang is right back with me (they never left). :D

Here's a brief status report:
  • I'm rebounding slowly from my neck injury.
  • All the doggies are their typical selves (a good thing). :D
  • We still don't know about DH's job, or if he will even have a job when new management takes over in the coming weeks (won't know for several weeks).
  • In case you missed the last couple posts, we won't be having a fall litter this year, which is just as well with how uncertain things look for us.
  • We've decided not to use Pinot for breeding, and we will be getting her spayed soon. Though she has PERFECT drive and focus for a field/working Lab and a wonderful temperament, her body type is just way too "off" when it comes to breed standard.
  • Tuc is shaping up nicely to replace Ridge as our canine stud-in-residence.
  • We may still allow Ridge to mate with Kenya this winter (since he missed his chance a few months ago), then we will definitely retire him and have him snipped. :D
  • We may have to retire Elsie. We recently discovered a mass in her abdomen that needs further investigation (vet visit is on the 18th, I think). We suspect it's nothing serious, but want to get it checked (Elsie is acting just fine, and the mass doesn't bother her). She is, however, five years old (approaching six) and has had two litters. It may be time to retire her anyway.
  • Kenya is doing fabulously, and we're hoping she'll produce a litter for us in early spring.

The human kids are fine: DFS is commuting to a local colleg now (I'm driving with him, but he has his driver's learner's permit!!!!); DSD and DSIL are still in Maine with Baxter; and DYS is back at Temple (his junior year).

Mom (86 yo) is slowing down; DTS is all moved into her new place, but still settling in (and is not herself yet...). Divorce recovery is a long haul.

So that's how it is here.

Stay tuned for some fun pictures from our weekend at the cottage. The canine kids had a ball (and Baxter joined us from Maine!).

It's good to be back.

'Til next time,


  1. Mary and Hope11:05 AM

    Welcome back my friend, you have been sorely missed. But please, please, please, take it easy and don't push yourself to hard. Don't want another hiatus from you and your family adventures!

    HUGS and LOVE!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Glad you are back! I missed updates on your gang. Saying a prayer for DH's job!

  3. Glad to see you and the canine crew back and doing well!
