Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Miss White Makes Six

Miss White, puppy #6, joined us at 8:11 p.m., and is our second chocolate female. She weighed in at 11 oz (a little squirt). 

Here she is:

And here's the gang of six in the warming box:

 Momma Kenya finally started taking notice of her puppies' sounds and wondering where they were:

And she finally started showing some interest in having the join her in the whelping box:

And we're apparently on hold now for a bit.  Waiting on our last two arrivals. 

So far, so good.  :)



  1. Oh Joan, I am holding my breath all continues to go well for you ALL! Congratulations.

  2. Puppies! You're having puppies?!! Where have I been?! I can't believe I've been so oblivious.

    Hope everything goes well!

    - Anne
