Believe it or not, this is the MOST snow we've had this winter (what winter?): a whopping dusting.
And it didn't even get cold until this week (the first week of February).
Our Blizzard Boy Baxter is going through snow-withdrawal (he just loves snow -- I suppose it's his nature; we did bring him home in a blizzard, after all).
And this is Kenya's first exposure to the cold, white, flakey stuff. She seems to enjoy it, although I'd love to see her reaction to a two-foot-pileup!
Kenya fits right in with our gang: she's spunky enough to hang in there with them, even when they're rough and tumble.
The Little Bean is six months old now; and she's not very big (check her out in photo above, right in front of Baxter ). We call her "Peanut Head" because she still has this little, itty-bitty skull, even at six months old -- much smaller than Elsie or Baxter ever had at this age.
But what she lacks in size, she makes up for in gumption. She's the spunkiest of all four (combined!).
So here they are today (the photo above of all four with Don was taken this morning). From left to right, it's Ridge, Kenya, Baxter, and Elsie.
And yes, they still teach us about love, life, and laughter, among many other things.
I'm glad to be blogging about them again.
'Til next time,
Wow, a dozen posts in one day! You really are back to blogging!
Glad to see your pack is doing well. :-)
Oooow, I'm jealous. My dogs loves snow too, but we haven't seen one snow flake for a year...
Btw, Great blog!
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