But that didn't stop my Lab-world friend Laura over at Dog's Eye View from giving us "A Roar for Powerful Words" -- a blog-recognition award created by the folks over at the Shameless Lions Writing Circle.

I'm incredibly honored. I think the world of both Laura (her writing and photography are incredible) and her faithful Labs, Willow and Stella (what sweet, faithful, intelligent girls they are!). Laura's blog offers gentle, insightful commentary on the world in which we live. Her unique perspective humbles and challenges me. And I deeply value her heart. (Read her blog to see what I mean).
So I'm doubly honored that Laura would choose our humble blog here for that award.
Seamus, author of the blog Shameless Words and creator of this award, describes it this way: "A Roar For Powerful Words is the chance to scream from the mountains the good news about the powerful posts that are produced every day in the blogosphere, despite what some mainstream columnists and journalists claim."
I'm encouraged and grateful. Thank you, Laura.
And now I'll have to ponder to whom I should pass the award (Laura would've been my first choice, but I can't pick her since she's already received the award).
In the meantime, though I don't think of myself as a roaring lion, I'll continue to let the life lessons I learn from our Labs speak for themselves. :o)
'Til next time,
Joan, you’re very welcome. You were the first one I thought of to pass the award on to, and you definitely deserve it.
Thank you very much too! I am honored and extremely humbled that anyone thinks the writing on my blog is even remotely interesting or “powerful” as the case may be, but especially when this praise comes from people like you who write professionally. I wish you all the best with your freelance endeavors. I imagine it’ll nice to be able to write what you want instead of what other people request.
Also, I’m so glad that Pinot is happy, healthy, and fitting in well with your pack. I enjoy watching her progress, and from the pictures her coat color seems to be similar to Stella’s. If I ever want another pet Lab puppy in the future (and how could I not?) I now know a wonderful place to look for one. :-)
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