Well, my BIG Christmas present this year was a new camera (from DH, who faithfully and regularly encourages my interests and hobbies). It was quite a surprise really -- we don't normally splurge like this at Christmas. But I'm not complaining. :o)
I've been wanting a camera with which I could do more (all the photos and videos you've seen here have been taken by my little point-and-shoot
Nikon Coolpix L6 -- a wonderful compact camera that's great for travel, but it has its limitations, my chief complaint of which is its tendency to blur images if I'm not using the flash -- I missed countless good shots because of the blur factor).

So now I have a SERIOUS beast of a camera (it's a
Pentax K10D Digital SLR ), and I'm really excited to see what it can do. Part of the reason DH chose this camera (besides its awards and features) is that it's 100% compatible with the thousands of dollars worth of mega lenses and filters we already have for DH's camera and photographic interests. He uses really cool stuff, including some really cool telephoto lenses (okay, I'll admit it: I've sometimes been a little jealous of his toys). While I've been running around with my point-and-shoot, he's been taking pictures!
So I can't wait to "play." There's only one problem. My serious beast of a camera comes with a serious beast of a learning curve.
Now, I'm not doing so badly with it (all of yesterday's photos were taken with my new camera). But I have SO much to learn.I thought I knew something when I was using my little Nikon. Now, with the Pentax, I realize I know very little at all. Such is life: the more we grow, the more we realize how much more we have to grow.
So I'm in the learning curve, trying to teach myself something new about my camera each day. And YOU guys get to be my audience (oh boy....lol....better prepare yourselves!).
But I still resist change. It seems like I just get a handle on things when everything shifts.You've gotta remember here that I'm the woman who won't change cell phone models when I upgrade every two years because I don't want to face the new learning curve. I keep getting the same new phone over and over again to avoid having to learn a new system.
I really don't like change.
That's part of the struggle right now, too. Our yucky circumstances (the ones about which I'm still not at liberty to discuss publicly) have meant HUGE changes: Thanksgiving and Christmas were different (and more difficult) than ever before; family interactions are different; church interactions are different; the future looks different; life is different.
My heart yearns for stability and constancy. And then I look at the canine gang. :o)
Their faithfulness, though admittedly limited by lifespan, never changes. Their love is constant. Their dedication, unwavering. And their goofyness (LOL)...well, it's just part of who they are. Labs don't change; they may grow old and die, but they don't betray us; they don't cash us in for better owners or grass-is-greener lives. They don't indifferently discard us like yesterday's trash.
I'm glad something in my life remains unchanged.
And I suppose I should be thankful: when I really think about it, THREE things in my life are now and have always been constant (and will be, as far as I know): the God of my faith; my husband (what a gift he is to me); and my Labs (yes, that's the Pinot squirt in Don's lap).
Everything else...well...I can bank on it changing.
I may as well get used to it, I know.
I just wish life had an instruction manual as detailed about what to do in various circumstances as the one that came with my new camera.
I'd better get back to reading it.
'Til next time,
I hope all of your huge changes work out well for you. Hang in there. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. If you need help understanding your camera, I'll be glad to help. I don't own a Pentax camera, but many things on digital cameras are similar, just located in different areas. Give your canines a big scratch behind the ears for me, especially Pinot. Nala continues to grow and is doing extremely well.
I agree with Russ. When life hands you crap, you make lemonade - or something like that.
As an army brat growing up, I had change inflicted on me big time, so I think it has inured me to it or better yet, made me more adaptable. So, you roll with the punches. And as you say, find a talisman that doesn't change, to touch every so often for comfort.
I think we all need to be reminded what's really important in life. I know I did today.
Thanks for sharing!!
I've prayed for you and your family every time I checked "labtales" and it wasn't updated. I'm glad your back. Pinot' is sooo big now, and such a cutie. Take care
So happy you are back with us. Copper and the gang are sending sloppy lab kisses and big hugs from me! Copper is well, finished all his shots and started obedience class this week. Take care and we will be in touch!
Glad your back. Kept checking....a relief to see new postings. Will pray for you...see ya soon!
I agree with you, change is hard. Even changes that are good for us in the long run can be difficult to navigate through, especially in dealing with the unfamiliar. Sometimes I forget to rely on faith until I "hit the wall". I will pray that your faith will lead you to comfort and strength.
P.S. love the picture of Pinot's puppy belly!
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