By this time, Kenya and Pinot had joined Elsie at the fence line.
What's incredible to me is the difference recognition makes on their faces.
This first shot of Pinot captures her trotting up to investigate the new shape on the other side of the yard (when she first notices me, though she doesn't know it's me yet). She's curious, but that's about all.
This next shot captures her recognition when she realizes who I am (I remained silent and stood down-wind of them so they couldn't hear or smell me).
She looks like a completely different dog, but I guarantee you, the first Pinot shot really is of Pinot, and it's really taken just seconds before the second shot.
Her face just lit up when she realized it was me.
The joy on her face warmed my heart.
That's the cool thing about Labs. They let you know how they feel about you (no aloofness games). And Labs can't help but love.
'Til next time,
That is so cute! she looks so happy!
I'm sticking to my vote for Mom when you we're asking who she resembles most....Elsie all the way! What a happy girl!
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