When I posted last time (in late September) about hopes and dissappointments and trying to maintain a new perspective of eager optimism (like the canine kids), I never imagined to have my new-found attitude tested so! I won't go into details, but the last six weeks have been filled with scenarios I never imagined, all of which either broke my heart, wore me out, or both.
And, to boot, October is absolutely my worst month of the year when it comes to Seasonal Affective Disorder (all I want to do in October is sleep and eat carbs and hide from the world -- I'm much like a bear that way). So, I pulled out my light box and started exercising again. It helps. But I still want to pull the covers over my head and pretend the world doesn't exist sometimes.
So, true confessions, I've been hiding. But many of you have written to say you miss us and our adventures (I didn't realize so many of you were out there or that you cared). Your notes encouraged my soul and helped me hang on to a God-focused optimism that carried me through the last six weeks. Thanks.
We're all fine now; perhaps a bit emotionally bruised, but fine. And the canine kids keep us smiling and giggling and looking at life a bit less seriously. What a gift they are!
So, here's our update on Baxter, Elsie, and Ridge:
The Boos continues to be our gentle giant.

Elsie Squirt is still the infamous leaner: leaning against us wherever we are regardless of what we're doing (try making dinner or washing dishes with 80-pound Elsie leaning on your shins or sitting on your feet!). She makes us feel loved and needed.

All three are much happier in the cool autumn weather. All three enjoy being outdoors now again--something they'd resisted during the awful humid heat of late summer. But it's cooler now, even downright cold sometimes. Since starting up the wood stove, Elsie has resumed her place in front of the fire on cool nights. That's where she'll spend the winter. :o) Either there or on our laps.
That's my girl.
So we're okay. Thanks for asking. And our four-legged friends continue to teach us and comfort us and help us to know how much we're loved.
Thanks again for your notes and comments. I'm glad to be back and glad to be giggling again.
'Til next time,
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