Regular Reader knows that Pinot, our fox-red, 16-month-old yellow Lab female (above), is a full-fledged sibling to Bear and Rudy, the little squirts we have here from Elsie's September litter. Eleven months older than the little guys, she's their big sister (Ridge and Elsie are their parents one and all)
I sometimes wonder if they know it. ;o) They sure act like sibs -- pesky little brothers and the exasperated older sister (who is an imp in her own right).
Take Pinot's propensity to snitch the boys' toys out of their pens:
She has so much fun playing with their stuff (hehe), I suspect she can't resist (here's she's even tossing one of their ropes up in the air and catching it for herself!)

But she doesn't get away with it for long. Here they come (I can just hear her groan):
The little guys two-time her. They bite her ears:
They sit on her back:
They climb all over her:
She does, however, protest with mock intensity, as all good sisters do:
And as brothers do, too, they come back for more:
They even braved the ice to chase her in the yard (this ice has be terrible for all the dogs -- so much so that we won't let them retrieve out of fear for pulled muscles or sliding falls):
And if all else fails, they'll "share" (as in chew with her on whatever she has in her mouth):
And that's something even Pinot is willing to do:
Ahhhhhhhh... life with siblings. Hehe.... reminds me a bit of my own growing up years, only DTS and I were the pesky little sisters to our love-to-tease big brothers.
Turn about is fair play, I guess (sorry, Pinot).
'Til next time,
Those are some great pictures Joan. One big happy lab family, SO sweet. I bet you are going to have a great holiday with your big lab fam!
Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year!
Jaime, and the ThoughtsFurPaws crew
They are so sweet and she totally knows they are her sibs.
Killian says merry christmas!
Hopefully I can put pics up
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce
I hope you had a Labrador Christmas (is there a better kind?) and will have a happy new year too.
Toy theft is a lab specialty. Our greyhound looks dumbfounded when Sola snags one on him.
Great pics.
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