Well I'm back, safe and sound but with a broken finger where it attaches to my hand. Hence, I'm writing this with one hand, hunt and peck style. Slow!
It's funny: even with all our fabulous experiences in Zambia (see my zambia blog), I still missed home more than ever, especially dear hubby. And I really missed the canine kids. DH tells me they missed me, too.
BUT, I was able get a canine fix while there: the dear missionary couple we stayed with after the conference (the Moyers) had four dogs and at least two cats, my favorite of which is Rajah.
Just look at him:

That's me (before I broke my hand) with Rajah at the Moyers' home in Kabwe, Zambia: he's a leaner like Elsie and would love you to pet him all day.
He's a Boerboel (a cross between a mastiff and a bulldog, or a mastiff and a great dane depending on who you talk to), a recognized breed in South Africa, also known as the South African Mastiff. And they are a fabulous breed.
He're Rajah with his female companion (can't remember her name just now):

Isn't she beautiful?

This breed is marked by fierce loyalty, intelligence, affection, and obedience, and they make fabulous guard dogs. In fact, the local Zambians won't enter the Moyers' wall-fenced, gated yard (necessary for nearly all homes because of rampant theft) because they say the Moyers keep two "lions" there. ;o)
But they're gentle, affectionate lions as long as they know you're okay.
And they helped me miss home that much less. Especially Rajah.
'Til next time,
Joan (whose hand really hurts, but who's TREMENDOUSLY thankful to be back home on U.S. soil--we Americans don't have a clue how good we have it here...more on that to come).