I took over 500 photos yesterday. Hehe -- no worries, only about a tenth of what I take is ever any good, and even less than that shows up here (although I did get way too many good shots yesterday so I'm having difficulty choosing which to put up in this entry).
What follows is a random selection of the kids playing or retrieving while the sun was out or when the light was at least a bit brighter than in yesterday's early morning pictures.
Oh, the gleeful abandon of youth (or canine enthusiasm!) -- I wish I had half their romp-factor! Here they are.
Pinot and her Kong:
Tuc, our Arizona-born snow bunny, chasing Pinot (they were still doing this at 9:00 last night when wind-chills were near zero degrees Fahrenheit):
Tuc catching up to Pinot:
Tuc, Elsie, and Pinot responding to my "find it" command (Kongs don't bounce in snow; they sink):
Tuc (center) finding the Kong and escaping from Elsie (l) and Pinot (r):
All of them braving the wind (Pinot and Elsie in the next shot; Tuc, Elsie, and Rudy in the one that follows):
And then there's just plain ol' racing and romping:
All in all it was a day filled with happy faces and snouts covered with snow. Their faces fall in order below as follows: Ridge, Rudy, Tuc, Elsie, Pinot (yes, that's really her), and then Pinot again. Nope, there's no Kenya with a face full... I think it was just too cold for her; she didn't put her face in the snow much at all:
What a crew! Stay tuned... tomorrow's Wordless Wednesday captures Pinot sniffing out Kongs beneath the snow. :o)
'Til then,
Wonderful pictures of happy dogs!!!
My labbies would fit right in.
I'm leaving my crew home with Hubby and headed off to play in Alaska tomorrow.
Wish I could take the dogs w/ me! (Hubby too-chuckle)
Thay are so completely adorable! And HAPPY! I can feel the fun from here! :)
You're a very lucky person! So many babies to love!
I love all of the pictures of them romping in the snow. It looks like they're having too much fun!!
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