Note to reader: I know this is supposed to be wordless Wednesday, but I thought you'd like to know that this will likely be my last post about our Rudy Puh-too-tee. As of this weekend he won't be ours anymore. We're re-homing Rudy with a wonderful family (mom, dad, four sons ranging in age from mid-teens to early twenties) who already loves him and will be committed to him every bit as much as we'd hoped and dreamed. He seems a perfect fit for them, as well as they for Rudy. They met last weekend and seemed to bond nearly instantly (Rudy embraced them without reservation, as if they were old friends).
Theirs is the kind of home where Rudy will be part of their lives 24/7 -- having full access to all rooms of their house; sleeping on their beds at night, curling up at the feet, walking with them in the woods, swimming and playing as they do, just being buds, etc... I really couldn't be happier about his placement: they're great people (we've known them a long time), they're the right people for him, and he's the right dog for them. It's definitely a God-thing (how Rudy is ending up with them). I can part with him now with no regrets this way -- it's all good.
I just thought you'd like to know so you can enjoy his precious face in today's entry, since he probably won't appear here again.
So long, little Bud. We love you, Rudy. We'll miss you, but we're truly happy for you. And you'll always have a home here in our hearts.
'Til nex time,
I was happy for you and Rudy up until I scrolled down to that last picture. Sniff, sniff.
It's sad to see him go, but I'm very glad to hear that you have found the perfect home for him.
Oh happy/sad tears!! It must be the right home because how else could you let RudyPaTootie go? I'm not sure if I could except you still have alot of paws to give you lovin'. I will miss his pictures, he has such a sweetie pie face. Best of luck to you, Rudy. It sounds like a wonderful home with lots of love to go around for you!
Ditto on the sniff, sniff!
I am crying at my desk at work!!!!This is why I could never foster. Maybe Rudy's new family can send you updates so you can share them with us.
Joan, I tried to get my daughter to see Rudy in person. Her boyfriend wanted a Lab until he saw Mr. Red, Rudy's bro in action. The new family will be very happy with him and I'll miss the Rudy updates. Jim
As I told a friend of mine, God always places animals with us that need our love and care and if we have to give them up, they are always placed with someone who needs them just a little bit more. I know you will miss Rudy terribly but always remember you will also have a very special place in his heart. He won't soon forget the kindness and love you have shown him since his birth. Hug him tight and love him as much as you can before he leaves. And as I've told you before, you will have a very special place in heaven for all you do with your labs.
Good luck for Rudy! We will miss him!
Thank you for letting us all know about Rudy. Give him an ear rub for me!
oh by bye lovely Rudy, thanks so much for those precious pics !!
*sniff sniff* Sounds like he's going to have a SUPER time
Godspeed Rudy - I think you big brother is finding a home as well. 4 kids and an active family! Hooray for Rudy and Copper!
bah, and you were going to tell me this when? will i get to see him before he leaves, or will he be gone before i am home fore break?
I'll miss seeing sweet Rudy's precious face, but I'm so happy that he's been placed in a wonderful, loving home. Much love and hugs!
Oh Joan, that is bittersweet for sure. We didnt know you were giving him up. he is a dear sweet boy and it sounds like you found him one hell of a good home. And we LOVE how you said its a God-thing! We are firm believers in things like that!
the ThoughtsFurPaws furkids
I have been following your blog for some time now and I fell in love with Rudy. There's something about him that touched my heart. I am so happy that you found him a wonderful home, but I will miss seeing his pictures.
Aww, bye Rudy! I am happy you found him an awesome home though.
hi, i have been following your blog for a while now. and it's a little sad that i won't be reading about rudy's adventures anymore. and happy too that he has found the right forever home. Hugs!:-)
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