Even when it rains.
Take this morning, for example. More rain. And more rain is predicted for later in the day. After years of drought, this is a good thing.
But I'm thinking, oh no, another cabin-fever day.
My Labs and I, however, live in entirely different worlds (that's a good thing, too). It never rains in Lab Land.
Just look at these faces (and be sure to note the tail-blurs) in photos from this morning. You'd never know it was a gray-sky day.
The Pinot Squirt:
The Kenya Bean (note tail-blur):
Master Tuc with his side-hanging tongue (you gotta laugh):
All three, Pinot Tuc and Kenya, l to r (again, note three tail-blurs... oh, and be sure to note that Kenya has a bone... isn't she special? ):
Then note who is already off the deck and half-way down the steps in anticipation of my throwing the kong (note tail-blur). Yup, it's my Tuc Buddy (Ridge and Elsie are in the background):
Such eager anticipation.
Such happy kids. Such optimistic kids. Such always-expect-the-best kids.
I think I'll try it their way for a while.
And you know what that means? No matter what the next 18 hours may hold, it's going to be a very good, tail-wagging, butt-wiggling, toothy-grinned, delightfully wonderful day. :D
I guess we (me and the Labs) don't live in different worlds after all. :D
'Til next time,
GREAT plan!!
Why wouldn't your labs have great expectations? They live with some mighty fine humans!
Chester ;0=)
Aahhh!!! I love a labs world view!!!
I see it now, Louis Armstrong singing in the background "It's a wonderful world" and watching you throw the kong with all your labs running for it while the rain gently falls upon your land.......Total bliss! : ) One day it rained so hard here the street in front of our house flooded about three feet, it was okay, so I donned my rain coat and boots and off Hope and I went to splash, run and play in the rain and flooding waters. We had the best time ever! : )
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