Here's a summary of your additions to my original list. Labs can't...
- remain resting in a room if you leave the room
- refrain from a full-out-barrel-race to the door if they think you're going out
- resist the call of the ice maker (or freezer door or ice cubes being rummaged out of the ice cube box)
- NOT be the center of attention, especially when a baby comes to visit
- ignore any stuffed toy, anywhere, anytime
- wag their tails slowly, softly, and gently
- forget people they like
- ignore a human lap or un-shoed human feet, particularly in winter
- drink in a tidy, genteel, dainty manner (think Elizabeth Post here)
- keep their tongues in their mouths (Elizabeth would be mortified!)
Yup, yup, and yup again.
Yes, indeed-ee, Labs do have their limitations. So in keeping with the last list (and the additional cannot-dos from your comments there), here are ten more things Labs CANNOT do:
1. Be mean. Even to cats. They just don't have a mean bone in their collective bodies.
2. Reject human touch. They thrive on it.
4. Hold on to their hair (we're in shed mode here again). As Larry the Cucumber (Veggie Tales) would say (adapted, of course):
Oh wh-e-r-e is the dogbrush?
Oh wh-e-r-e is the dogbrush?
Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wh-e-r-e...
is the dog brush?
(For an answer to this imponderable, look at Pinot's Puppy Antics from a few days ago.)
5. Stay trim if they don't exercise (gee, sound familiar?).
6. Wait for a treat without drooling (Baxter is our King of Drool).
7. Refuse a walk or the opportunity to train. Again, anytime, anywhere, in any circumstance.
8. Keep their own ears clean.
9. Resist our stinky socks, shoes, or dirty underwear (I'll spare you the photo illustrations!). ;o)
10. Miss the crumbs we leave on laps, sweaters, floors, and facial hair.
Yes, our Labs do have their limitations. But theirs are limitations I can live with.
How about you? Any more?
Comment away!
'Til next time,