Frankly, I needed to get outside as much as they did.
So here they are retrieving a red Kong for me -- group retrieves, btw, not individual work.
Pinot (l) and Ridge (r):
Pinot (back) and Elsie (front, airborn):
Elsie (l) and Pinot (r):
Whoa.... it went the other way (Pinot is very visual)!
Pinot and Tuc (l to r):
Tuc and Pinot (l to r):
Elsie, Kenya, Pinot, and Tuc (l to r):
Pinot, the non-stop retrieving machine:
Pinot and Tuc (l to r):
The Tuc-meister teasing Pinot (what a tease he is -- gotta luv those ears!):
Elsie (r) attempting to intercept Tuc and Pinot:
Elsie, Pinot, Tuc, and Kenya (l to r):
Pinot, Elsie, Tuc, and Ridge (l to r):
And, finally, Tuc and Pinot wearing Elsie out:
While the others were retrieving and retrieving and retrieving and retrieving, Mr. Rudy-Puh-too-tee was sniffing out that scent he caught on the deck (see Wednesday's post). If it's a choice between scent and retrieve, Rudy will pick scent in a heartbeat!.
Kenya retrieved a little, but mostly hung with me; she's not into group retrieving! Ridge retrieved, then did his thing like usual (no one bothers the old man). Rudy tracked scent, and the rest ran 'til they were nearly ready to drop (well, everyone but Pinot, our energizer bunny).
And a fun time was had by all.
Now what happened to that nice weather we so enjoyed?
'Til next time
Joan (whose rotator-cuff isn't happy about all that throwing!).
I'm gonna go tell Mom to get me one of those kind of Kongs. My other ones are good, but I bet that one takes some crazy bounces. I like crazy bounces alot!!
Woofs and crazy slobbers!
How much fun can a gang of labs have? Pinot seems much like Latte, throw and fetch and throw and fetch and throw and fetch some more. I think she would go all night long if we let her, wouldn't even stop to sleep!
Such happiness in those photos. My cats get cabin fever, too, though the dogs are content to sleep all day long. Not much retriever in my mutts.
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