Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Introducing the Operatic Miss Lime!

Weighing in at a whopping 13.5 ounces, with a light yellow coat (stained green right now -- a little challenging for her entering the world, but doing fine now), is Elsie's first born:  Miss Lime, a girl! :)

Here she is singing in the box while Elsie was having addition contractions:


Monika Smith said...

Awww welcome to the world Miss Lime xxx

Penny said...


Anonymous said...

Oh she is beautiful!!! just gorgeous.. wanna snuggle her and her happy little wimpers, awwww!!

Missy said...

Is there really anything cuter in the world then a puppy whimper? Man oh man... so happy to see Miss Lime.. she sure is adorable... I hope the rest come smoothly... whooo hooo! Let the fun begin! Great job Mama Elsie!

Charlie said...

What a sweet little singer.