What a welcome relief it is to know we have a brand new year to which we can look forward (it's gotta be better than 2008 -- I guess I shouldn't say that though; it could always be worse.). :o)
All that is to say I'm glad we're starting a new year. It always feels like a new beginning - a fresh start, if you will. And New Year's Day is a great day to leave the last year behind. It's usually a pretty relaxed day here -- a good day to rest, reflect, and recover.
Before I get to New Year's Day at our house, though, I should let you know that I did finally learn how to use my camcorder (yay; I read the manual and figured out how to use it in "easy" mode -- hehe). I even captured some really cool clips (it's a nice camera!). But, I've since discovered that the video software that came with it (as opposed to the picture software) is only compatible with my PC, which is still buried in my desperately-needs-to-be-cleaned office. I've been posting on the blog from my MAC laptop lately, and I can't figure out how to import the movies from the camcorder to my MAC, even with iphoto and such. And the video software that came with the camcorder is only Windows based (no MAC version). Aaaargh. I just love learning curves, don't you?!
So still-pictures will have to do here for another day or two (remember, patience is a virtue!), until I can get my desk cleaned off and my videos imported to my PC.
Now back to New Year's Day. First, the most important bowl game of the season is today (Penn State vs. Southern Cal in the Rose Bowl) -- DH is a PSU grad. :o) We'll be watching, of course.
And because it's so very cold today (wind chills in the sub-zero range), we'll just be hanging tight in front of the woodstove enjoying a steaming mug of coffee or tea or hot cocoa. The canine gang will hang with us as usual, coming and going in and out as they need to, but they'll snuggle with us, too. That makes hanging out so much more relaxing (believe it or not). There's just nothing like a warm-blooded, four-footed, makes-you-feel-like-the-best-human-in-the-world critter curled up on your feet (or lap) to lower the blood pressure. I could use that about now (after dealing with hospital administration about my mother's rehab -- another aaaargh!).
Sigh. Relaxing in front of the TV with DH and the canine kids sounds wonderful to me. And so, God-willing, it will be for the rest of the day.
Here are some photos from this morning and early afternoon, just to keep you up-to-snuff on the gang. Oh, and it looks like we've found a wonderful forever-family-placement for Mr. Red (where he'll be loved and treasured and needed and valued); but I'll write more about that later since he'll be with us still until the end of next week.
Anyway, here are a few miscellaneous images from New Year's Day at our house.
Rudy likes Momma Elsie's blanket:
Mr. Red likes snoozing on the couch (he's a couch potato like his mom):
Kenya and Pinot run in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out as they play. And if we don't get to the door to let them in fast enough, they stand at the door with mournful, please-let-us-in eyes (yes, those are mud-smears from canine paws all over the glass pane -- my house is a complete disaster -- I just haven't had the margin to clean) :
Ridge just chills with us -- rolling on the floor, moaning and groaning for belly rubs, and "talking" to us (what a goof!):
Though Mr. Red is a couch potato, Rudy won't let Mr. Red sleep long:
Neither will Tuc (it's kinda hard to sleep when somebody sits on you):
There is, of course, time for outdoor exercise and play (though with how cold it is, we're not running the dogs hard -- their lungs are not used to such cold air).
Here's Rudy:
And Tuc (distracted by the neighbor) and Kenya (playing like a pup):
Here's Rudy again (he's just so full of life and personality!). He's prancing because he commandeered part of the wubba-kong from Tuc (that's the blue piece of fabric in Rudy's mouth):
Mr. Red, our low-key bear, sits watching and pondering the world...
while Rudy romps with Tuc:
Indoors, Rudy likes chewing on Tuc:
And, of course, the kids love their humans. Here's DH trying to watch football earlier today (there's no question he's loved!). That's Elsie on his lap; Ridge at his feet; Tuc under his hand; Rudy chewing on Tuc, and Mr. Red curled up underneath the coffee table (Kenya and Pinot are outside):
So that's the day at our house. A good day. A quiet day. A day to finally relax and let the world go away.
Happy New Year to all of you! May it be a wonder-filled year of happy surprises, deep renewal, and ever-growing appreciation for what is good and right in this world.
'Til next time,
Happy new year to you and all the gang! I am also looking forward to Spring in 2009 when I can get back on my bike and ride down to the river. Too cold for that today! I am also pleased that you are still finding homes for your pups.
I am so glad that Mr. Red has found his forever home! I knew it would happen. A relief for me too, now I can stop day dreaming about winning the lottery and quitting my job so I could fly to PA to adopt Mr. Red, come back to Texas and integrate him into my pack....whew! May 2009 be a relaxing, lab filled year.
Sarah H
Austin, TX
Can I admit that I want to steal one of those little peanuts? Drop me a line when you find a spare ; )
hellow there everyone!
i am aki, a yellow labrador retriever from the philippines and i blog with my jack russel/shih tzu sister, Poopie.
we saw your blog at sadie's and we came by soon as we saw all of you...hehe.. we are so overwhelmed looking at your blog. you are all just so cute.
It must be Labrador Heaven out there.. arggghh.. we're develepong goosebumps again..
Hope we can be friends. Can we please add you up in our buddies list?
drooly kisses,
CRR-(Concerned Regular Reader) is hoping all is well with you and your household. Been awhile and we are missing you all. Woofs and slobbers, Chester
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